Monday, July 30, 2007

John Kanzius

Metal nanoparticles are accepted by cancer cells, but not other cells. They then are cooked with radio waves that resonate with the metals. The cancer cells grow hot and die, but normal cells are unaffected. Cancer solved, yes? Are there cancers without this property?

We have basically defeated cancer. Even late stage cancers can likely be cured by this method, by affecting the February 9, 2007 gene codon setting that would prevent 60% of cancers, or by introducing a specialized bacteria for infection of a cancer cells only, which would then alert the immune system and destroy them. Hydrogen peroxide and benzene treatment are also interesting. The pharmaceutical industry has fought these measures. The health insurance industry might want to fight for their use.

Let us now discover precisely what happens to *cause* a cancer to develop genetically, electromagnetically.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007|

It seems that a way to cure cancer discovered at the turn of the *20th* century is to infect the area with bacteria. Today we are trying special viruses =). The body then recognizes the foreign material as suspicious, and destroys it.

We do not use it commonly because we don't know quite how it works. It may be that the bacteria's em field is detected by the immunological systems. The body probably tries to destroy anything with an em field distinctly different from the body, except babies in a uterus.

Bacteria has a different em signature, and attracts immune function. Cancer's em is somewhat to slightly different, but not different enough to arouse attention. Once the attention is there, the cancer's em is noticed and tagged. It may be that the immune system tags a thing by its different em signal, or finds the location or is activated by em, as well as by bumping into outstanding chemical receptors. It is very difficult for a disease to emulate the em of an entire human. Once either of these triggers has been found, the cell or item is tagged for destruction and is worked over.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Consider bioEM.

"As a fertilized egg develops into a full grown adult, mammalian cells make many crucial decisions — closing doors of opportunity as they adopt careers as liver cells, skin cells, or neurons. One of the most fundamental mysteries in biomedicine is how cells make such different career decisions despite having exactly the same DNA."


I speculate that cells maintain and maybe help transmit their electromagnetic signatures using these cilia. This EM field is important to cells because it tells them what kind of product to make using the DNA at the center. A cell receiving different em frequency can probably change into different cells, unless its intramagnetic 'cement' has hardened. Different organs produce different EM data. A developing baby has unique EM to its field, which MC Eschers itself in unique and formative ways, which will tell the embryo how to develop.

Interior data: DNA
Exterior data: EM