Friday, June 29, 2007

Breastmilk Cures Cancer

This article reports that every type of cancer cell tested is compelled to die in the presence of normal human breast milk.

We're done on this page.

Do breastfeed your children. It's healthy.

Scientists, please conduct tests. Breastmilk may aid healthy and normal cell and system growth, which would replace cancer.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007


Aspartame contributes to cancer.

It is wise to avoid aspartame, as well as any artificial additive to the body that does not have a nutritional purpose. Know who funds these studies. Just because it is favorable to conservatism does not mean that it is right. Equally observe the funding of studies that show foods or other practices are safe.

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Ginseng Study

Ginseng may help fight cancer. [to be continued]